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The Elixir Maidens: Bitten, Again Page 9

  “It’s nothing you haven’t done for me.”

  “Yes. Well. Do you plan to stay long?”

  Say yes, Nigellus thought to himself. Admit the truth, that you haven’t felt whole since you left him. Then and only then might you salvage what’s left of the love between you.

  “I hadn’t planned on staying long,” Nigellus replied. “But after everything that’s happened with Dark Rhythm, perhaps I should.”

  Areus laughed, a dry, humorless sound. “So my creature now thinks he’s my keeper?”

  “Why do you have to make everything so difficult?”

  “From what I hear, you have no obligation to any Creator, Nigellus. Your Creator is dead, is he not?”

  Nigellus stomach dropped to his feet. He hadn’t realized Areus knew about the lies he’d spun. To cover his guilt, he snapped, “Have you been spying on me?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself.”

  “Then how could you know --”

  “One hears things.”

  “And I see you haven’t told Claudius or your other acquaintances here that I’m your offspring.”

  Glaring, Areus advanced upon Nigellus and backed him against a tree. They stood chest to chest, nose to nose. “Out of kindness to you. If you are ashamed to carry my blood, then I’ll keep your secret.”

  “I’m not ashamed. It’s just… complicated. Areus, listen to me.” Nigellus placed a hand behind his mentor’s neck and gazed deeply into his eyes. The urge to kiss him almost overcame him. “About Dark Rhythm. From what we’ve discovered about them, you won’t be safe.”

  “Neither will they!”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It’s not your business. Now if you intend to leave my property, do it soon. As you say, Dark Rhythm can’t be trusted so they’re bound to come here eventually. I’m leaving tonight.”

  “Where are you going?”


  “Will you at least write to me?”

  “If you like.”

  “Shall I go with you?” Nigellus prodded, hoping Areus would say yes, make the decision for him. “Do you need me?”

  “No,” Areus said flatly and walked toward the villa. “I don’t need anyone.”

  * * *

  So many times after that Nigellus wished he’d gone with Areus in spite of his Creator’s rebuff. Why hadn’t he forced his way past Areus’ cool shield and given him the support he’d craved?

  It wasn’t long after they parted that Nigellus learned Areus was still hunting members of Dark Rhythm. He returned to his Creator’s side only to engage in an argument that turned to a brawl, leaving them bloody physically and emotionally.

  A century later, Areus had formed his organization that would become Dark Rhythm’s nemesis. Unlike the zealot hunters of vampire hunters, Areus’ group didn’t strike at random or without reason. They simply protected those innocents endangered by Dark Rhythm. Areus was so careful regarding his group that he never even allowed Nigellus to know all its secrets. Nor did Nigellus want to. It angered him that Areus seemed bent on risking his life. A bit of Sparta would always dwell inside him, forcing him to follow the warriors’ path. Nigellus couldn’t help worrying that it would lead to his destruction.

  Offspring and Creator would go centuries without seeing each other. Nigel sought security and a “normal” life while Areus clung to the sword. Perhaps that’s where he felt safest. Life had taught him that love cut deeper than hate and Nigellus had only reinforced that belief by denying their bond time and again.

  * * *

  Nigel was shaken from his thoughts by his doorbell ringing and he caught Sondra’s scent. Damn. He didn’t want to face her. Not now. Not after all that happened between him and Daniel just a short time ago.

  She rang again.

  Cursing under his breath, he placed his sword aside and left his spacious exercise room to answer the door.

  “Hi.” Sondra smiled at him. “Didn’t mean to interrupt your workout, but I really wanted to talk to you.”

  Nigel nodded and allowed her to step inside. They walked to the kitchen.

  “Want something to drink?” he asked.

  “No, thanks.”

  He opened the refrigerator and poured a glass of orange juice which he drank down in several long gulps, then he glanced at her. “You said you wanted to talk.”

  “About you and Daniel.”

  Nigel froze. He turned and began washing his juice glass, needing an excuse to look away from her. “I’d rather not.”

  “I know there’s something between you. Something deep. Actually, everyone who was there tonight knows.”

  “That’s why you set up that dinner party?” Nigel snapped. He glared at her. “Not very honest of you. I think Richie’s gossiping little friends have corrupted you.”

  “No one has corrupted me and for your information it’s obvious there’s something between you and Daniel. I just wanted to tell you that I understand, and if you need someone to talk to I’m here.”

  “You understand nothing!” Nigel advanced on her and she took a step backward, a hint of fear creeping into her eyes. God. What was wrong with him? He loved Sondra, yet here he was bullying her because she was trying to be nice. Nicer than he’d been when she’d told him she loved Richie.

  “Nigel, if he’s your lover --”

  “Damn,” Nigel breathed, running a hand through his damp hair and pacing the room. “He’s… He’s my Creator, Sondra.”

  Genuine surprise flickered in her eyes. “Your Creator?”

  “And he was my lover.”

  “Why have you pretended otherwise? Was he cruel to you? Richie always brags about what a wonderful man he is, but --”

  “No. He wasn’t cruel. Not unless someone was cruel to him. I’ve been worse than cruel, I’m afraid.”

  “You’ve denied him.”

  Nigel sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. “I had to. I wanted -- I was a slave, Sondra. You can’t imagine what that was like. I wanted to become more than what I was. Have a normal life. No, more than that. I wanted to --”

  “Make an impression?” she supplied. “I know how you are, Nigel. You brought me up, remember?”

  “The best way for our kind to survive is to fit in among humans. The best way for humans to survive is to do what is acceptable to each other. Success, wealth, reputation all depend on hard work and the image one cultivates.”

  “You’re gay, Nigel.”

  “No! I love women.”

  “Then you’re bisexual.”

  He shook his head.

  “Your desire for Daniel is obvious. As is his desire for you.”

  “Even if I wanted to explain to him why I’ve done the things I have --”

  “You think he doesn’t know?” Sondra smiled slightly. “He’s your Creator, and whether you want to acknowledge it or not, he still loves you. I can see it. Richie sees it. Ruby, Greg, Andrew, and Hagen see it.”

  Nigel pressed his palms to his eyes. This was a nightmare. All the years he’d spent carefully building his life, hiding his deepest emotions, and now his naked soul was on display.

  “Damn nosy drag queens,” he muttered.

  “It’s not the Maidens, Nigel. It’s you and it’s Daniel. All this time you’ve made it seem like you hate what Richie and his friends stand for, but it’s not them you can’t tolerate. It’s yourself. You gave up someone you love to fit in and hate people like the Maidens for not doing the same.”

  Nigel’s teeth clenched. Normally he would have flown into a rage over such an accusation, but if he were honest with himself he had to admit Sondra was right.

  “You know why I think Daniel loves you so much?” she continued. “Because he’s kept your secret. He never mentioned being your Creator. Not even to Richie, who is as much his offspring as you are. He’s protected you and you’ve treated him with the utmost contempt.”

  “That’s not true!”

  “Isn’t it? You always told me the
worst insult one vampire can pay another is to deny his Creator.”

  “That’s if the Creator deserves such loyalty.”

  “Daniel doesn’t?”

  Nigel met Sondra’s gaze. He saw strength there, but also compassion. The old saying seemed to be true. At some point the student had become the teacher.

  After finally achieving all he thought he wanted out of life, Nigel realized, far too late, something was missing. That something was the love he and Daniel had shared so many centuries ago.

  “He gave me everything. Without hesitation. Without asking for repayment, and I turned against him. It wasn’t intentional. I didn’t think of it as turning on him but, looking back, that’s exactly what it was. He simply wanted love, but I wanted to make an impression on the world. I wanted --”

  “It’s okay.” Sondra slipped her arms around him and held him tightly. “I know your reasons and I’d never judge you, Nigel. But you need to tell Daniel what you just told me. If you don’t, neither of you will ever find peace.”

  * * *

  When Nigel arrived at Burgundy Peak to talk to Daniel, the security chief who manned the foyer told him he’d left a short time ago. Disheartened, Nigel left the club and walked to his car.

  “Nigel! Wait!” Ruby called, hurrying down the steps and across the sidewalk. Nigel wondered how the hell he kept his balance in those damn six-inch heels he liked to wear.

  “What is it, Ruby?” he asked.

  “I saw something strange a few minutes ago. I was looking out the window -- Hagen always says I spend way too much time looking out the window, but honestly real people are much more interesting to watch than the crap they have on television --”

  “Ruby, get to the point.”

  “I saw Daniel head down that way.” He used one of his slender fingers tipped with a red painted nail to point down the street. “He was with three big, seedy-looking guys.”

  “Probably his entertainment for the night,” Nigel muttered in disgust. He had been pining away over Daniel and the bastard was having a jolly time taking three guys at once.

  “Unless his entertainment is getting staked through the heart, I kind of doubt it. I got the worst vibes from those apes.”

  Nigel sighed and curled his fingers around the handle of his car door. Daniel could take care of himself very well. If anyone interfered with his action, in bed or out, he wouldn’t like it. Still, with all his confrontations with Dark Rhythm, his luck was bound to run out sometime.

  Cursing under his breath, he glanced at Ruby and said, “If we’re not back within the hour, let Zigor know there might be trouble.”

  Ruby nodded and hurried back to the hotel. Nigel got into the car and drove in the direction Ruby had pointed. Daniel’s scent was fresh, so the Elixir Maiden had been telling the truth about him walking this way. He tracked the scent several blocks to where no streetlights glowed and many buildings were boarded up. Newspapers and old soft drink cups blew along the cracked pavement. Nigel’s keen ears picked up the sound of clashing steel.

  Though many vamps fought with modern weapons, like guns, others preferred the old ways and still battled with blades. Nigel took a sword and dagger he kept in his trunk and hurried in the direction of the fight. He hoped no cops were around, but even if he was stopped, his mind control had never failed on a mortal.

  As he’d feared, Daniel stood in an empty parking lot. Rather than the three men Ruby had described, the Spartan was surrounded by five armed with weapons ranging from stakes to swords. Wielding a rapier, Daniel fought with the same breathtaking speed and precision Nigel remembered.

  Though they didn’t stop fighting, Nigel knew the vampires caught his scent and realized they weren’t alone. One of the vamps, a tall, dark-skinned man standing in a corner of the lot, flung a piece of glittering metal at Daniel who managed to dodge the blow. The metal embedded in the wooden side of a building and Nigel’s keen vision noted it was a throwing star made of silver. Potentially deadly to their kind. The man aimed again and at the same moment Nigel stepped into the lot and hurled his dagger. It struck the dark-skinned man who bellowed in pain and clutched the blade protruding from his chest.

  Two men turned on Nigel and he met them without hesitation. Sparks flew from their blades as they struck with enough strength to destroy a mortal. Blood pounded through Nigel’s body. He bared his fangs and growled with battle lust. Once again he was Cassipor, the gladiator, champion of the amphitheatre.

  Within seconds, he and Daniel finished off their opponents. Panting, they approached one another, their eyes gleaming.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Daniel growled.

  “Ruby saw you leave Burgundy Peak with some vamps who looked like trouble.”

  “Ruby again,” Daniel said. “I must have a talk with him about minding his own business.”

  “It’s a good thing he told me. Looks like you needed help.”

  “I didn’t need help!”

  Nigel curled his lip, swung his sword over his shoulder and began walking away. “You’re very welcome.”


  “What?” He spun on his heel and glared at Daniel. It was impossible to put into words how much he adored the man, how much he lusted after him and wanted him.

  “Thank you.”

  Nigel nodded, a smile flirting with his lips.

  “What were you doing at Burgundy Peak?” Daniel stepped closer. His black eyes had calmed a bit after the fight, yet unmistakable lust burned in them. Sweat misted his brow and upper lip and his gorgeous neck was exposed since the top two buttons of his shirt were open.

  Nigel wanted to lick him, kiss him, fuck him. “I was looking for you.”


  “I have something to tell you.”

  “Go on.”

  Nigel stepped nearer, until their lips almost touched. Their gazes fixed on one another, so close and intense it was almost too intimate to bear. “I love you.”

  “Since when?” Daniel whispered. Nigel sensed he was trying to sound sarcastic, but it didn’t quite work. The uncharacteristic softening of his obsidian eyes touched Nigel deeply.

  “Since the day I set foot in Ludus Magnus and saw you.” Nigel cupped the back of Daniel’s neck, his fingers gently massaging. “Say you love me, too.”

  Daniel’s eyes gleamed. His lips parted, as if to speak, then clamped shut.

  “I don’t blame you for not trusting me,” Nigel said. “But I’ll prove myself to you. I’ll earn your respect again.”

  “You’ve always had my respect.”

  “I was wrong for so many years.” Nigel shook his head. “All my life I’ve been chasing after something I thought I needed, but I’ve only needed you.”

  “Nigel,” Daniel said. His sword clanged to the ground as he embraced Nigel tightly, holding him so close their hearts seemed to beat as one. “I love you so much.”

  “I want to be with you for the rest of our lives, Daniel.”

  “My life is too dangerous to involve you --”

  “Don’t you dare!” Nigel snapped, pushing slightly away, just enough to meet his gaze. “I just fought beside you, didn’t I? I’ll fight beside you for the rest of our lives. What you do is dangerous, but it’s also necessary. I won’t leave you again, Daniel, unless you say you don’t love me as much as I love you.”

  “I do love you, Nigel.”

  “Then take me back.”

  “I never let you go.”

  Daniel covered his mouth with a penetrating kiss. Their eyes slipped shut and they clung to one another.

  Somewhere beyond the intense pleasure of their searching mouths and entwined hearts, Nigel caught the scent of Ruby, Richie, Zigor, and several members of Burgundy Peak’s security team approaching the parking lot.

  Daniel tried to pull away, but Nigel refused to let him go. For the first time in his life, he didn’t care who saw them as lovers.

  They didn’t break the kiss until Zigor said, “These men are from D
ark Rhythm.”

  Daniel stepped way from Nigel and nodded in Zigor’s direction. “Yes. I had trouble with them several months ago.”

  “They have caused trouble here, too,” Zigor admitted. “My security team will dispose of the bodies.” He motioned for the men to begin their work.

  “I suppose you want me out of Burgundy Peak?” Daniel said.

  “It’s all right. You can stay with me,” Nigel told him.

  Their gazes met and they smiled slightly at one another.

  “There is no reason for you to go,” Zigor said. “You kept your word and took care of business outside of the club. You are still in my territory but have done us a service by destroying these particular vampires. Dark Rhythm should know better than to cause trouble around here. They got exactly what they deserved.”

  “Thank you,” Daniel said.

  “Are you guys okay?” Richie asked.

  “Fine,” Daniel replied.

  “They looked pretty okay when their faces were attached,” Ruby said, arching a groomed eyebrow. Nigel noted he’d discarded his heels and wore boots.

  “New look?” Nigel asked with a hint of sarcasm. “And didn’t I tell you to wait an hour before calling for help?”

  “Don’t be a jerk,” Ruby said. “I’m wearing the boots because we didn’t know what we were going to find. For all I know, I might have had to fight. Not that I enjoy it. Always breaks my nails.”

  Nigel raised his eyes to heaven and Richie punched Ruby amiably in the shoulder.

  “So you guys are more to each other than acquaintances from ancient Rome?” Ruby prodded, glancing from Nigel to Daniel.

  “You could say that.” Nigel held Daniel’s gaze. “He’s my Creator.”

  Ruby gasped, his eyes aglow. “No fucking way! Wait until I tell Hagen and Greg. Does Sondra know?”

  Richie curled his lip. “I didn’t even know.”

  “Sondra knows,” Nigel said. “I told her before I came here to see Daniel.”

  “This is just too big for words,” Ruby said rather breathlessly and hurried out of the parking lot.

  “Do you want us to keep this quiet?” Richie glanced from Daniel to Nigel. “Because I’ll go stop Ruby before he starts spreading the word.”