The Elixir Maidens: Bitten, Again Read online

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  Areus had given him this power and he wanted to show his appreciation as well as mark the exotic, black-haired man as his. He pushed Areus onto his back and said, “Raise your arms above your head.”

  A curious expression in his eyes, Areus slowly obeyed. Once his hands settled above his head, Cassipor kissed his mouth. At first the kiss was gentle, then grew deeper, rougher. His tongue met Areus’ with demanding strokes. When Areus tried to weave his fingers through Cassipor’s hair, the younger man grasped his wrists and forced them back over his head. He took Areus’ lower lip between his teeth and bit it. His fangs drew blood and Areus arched against him, groaning with pleasure. Cassipor couldn’t resist moaning, either. He lapped and sucked Areus’ lip with enthusiasm, then pulled away and nuzzled his neck. Using his tongue, he caressed Areus’ neck and sucked on the side of it until a quiver of pure desire rippled down his Creator’s spine. It was as if his pleasure and Areus’ were one. Cassipor felt his mentor’s thoughts mingling with his and recognized the mind link as he’d experienced it before. Now that he’d become a blood drinker, the link seemed even stronger.

  He kissed Areus’ collarbone, then began kissing and nipping his lean yet powerful chest muscles. His hands massaged Areus’ sides and hips. He traced his ribs with a fingertip and slid down his body. When he reached his belly, Cassipor teased Areus’ navel with his tongue. One hand massaged his hair-dusted thigh before he grasped Areus’ sac and squeezed rhythmically.

  Burying his lips in the wiry hair at the base of Areus’ cock, he inhaled his Creator’s arousing scent. It wrapped around him like a soft, warm cloak. A sound that was half growl, half purr escaped his throat before he began swirling his tongue around Areus’ cock. He licked from base to crown, then back again. On his second time up, he gently dragged his fangs up the shaft and Areus bucked so hard they nearly tumbled off the bed.

  Cassipor chuckled and grasped Areus firmly by the hips.

  “Oh, fuck,” Areus panted. “You’re too good at this.”

  Cassipor grinned then took the plump, reddish crown of Areus’ erection between his lips and rolled his tongue over it, teasing with wet strokes before he began sucking with a vengeance. Areus clutched handfuls of his hair, no longer caring about Cassipor’s order to keep his hands overhead. His back arched and buttocks tightened. The staccato rhythm of his heartbeat echoed in Cassipor’s ears.

  “Cassipor, oh, fuck. Don’t stop. You’re going to kill me. Fucking beautiful bastard,” Areus cried, every muscle in his body taut and practically shrieking for release.

  A second later he came. Cassipor closed his eyes and slid his hands from Areus’ hips to his buttocks. He squeezed the rock-hard spheres tightly and used one finger to press against Areus’ tight sphincter, feeling it contract.

  He tasted Areus’ come, sensed his pleasure through their mingled thoughts and felt it in his hot, straining body. Cassipor knew nothing would ever compare with these blissful moments shared with this captivating black-haired gladiator.

  A short time later, they lay wrapped in each other’s arms. Cassipor finally lifted his head from Areus’ shoulder and said, “Now that I’m a blood drinker, will I return to the amphitheatre and fight like you did?”

  “No. Everyone thinks you’re dead. Only we at Flavius’ home know the truth. The three of us will leave Rome for a time while Flavius and I teach you about our kind. Some day we may return, if you like.”

  “Will I be considered Flavius’ slave, as you’ve pretended to be?”

  “No. We will travel as equals. You will be educated and able to mingle with any class of mortal you choose, Cassip --” Areus paused and smiled. “First you must select another name. Not a slave name.”

  “I know what I want to be called. Nigellus.”

  “I like that.”

  “When will we leave?”

  “Soon. But there’s something I must do first. I’ll be gone for a few days. Flavius will remain here to guide you until I return.”

  “Can’t I go with you?”

  “No. Not for this.”

  Areus left the following night and stayed away for two days. During that time, Flavius answered Cassipor’s many questions about blood drinkers and told him stories of days long past. Though Flavius didn’t speak of it, Cassipor, or Nigellus as he was now called, sensed his concern for Areus.

  On the eve of Areus’ return, Flavius embraced him tightly, then examined his bandaged arm. “You’re hurt.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “You did what you had to do, then?” Flavius held his offspring’s gaze.

  “Yes,” Areus replied. He kissed Flavius then turned to Nigellus.

  The men held each other for a long time. When they parted, Flavius had already left the room.

  “I’ve been worried,” Nigellus said. “Where were you?”

  “Killing Orion.”

  Nigellus stared at him, stunned. “Why?”

  “You need to ask? You’re my lover and my offspring. He dared harm you.”

  Frustration and gratitude clogged Nigellus’ chest. “But I planned to seek revenge on him myself, especially when I found out he was a blood drinker.”

  “It was my right and my duty to avenge you,” Areus said. “From here on out, I will pass on all I’ve learned to you. Then you’ll be ready to defeat blood drinkers like Orion.”

  Nigellus’ irritation at Areus for stealing his vengeance faded, and the magnitude of what his lover had done for him struck him like a sword swipe. Love and gratitude overwhelmed him, and he grasped Areus’ face in his hands. He kissed him deeply, possessively. When the kiss broke, he ran his fingertip over Areus’ bandaged arm.

  “Flavius said silver is one of the only things that can cause our kind permanent damage.”

  “Blood drinkers who fight each other in the amphitheatre use silver weapons on one another.”

  “Then you need blood to heal.” Nigellus bared his neck to Areus. “Take mine. Drink from me, Areus. Heal yourself from my blood as you saved my life with yours.”

  The following night, Nigellus, Areus, and Flavius left Rome. For the next seventy years they traveled together. The older blood drinkers taught Nigellus everything they knew, especially how to survive in a world where their kind often engaged in power struggles and were sometimes hunted by fearful mortals.

  Nigellus absorbed the education freely provided by his mentors, especially Areus. He learned to read and write, to appreciate science and music. No matter how much he progressed, in the back of his mind he was still Cassipor the slave. Not an equal of those who had once sought to control him.

  Though the mortals who had used him were long dead, part of him still longed for the life in Rome he’d always dreamed about.

  One evening, after the trio had taken up residence in Denmark, Nigellus and Areus went riding across the tundra. Nigellus took his well-trained chestnut mare while Areus rode his favorite horse, a crossbred black stallion he’d fallen in love with during their time spent in Persia two years ago.

  “Race you,” Areus called.

  No doubt Areus’ horse would win. The creature was built for speed. A smile played around Nigellus’ lips as he nodded, then kicked his horse to a gallop.

  “Cheat!” Areus bellowed. Moments later his black steed swept past Nigellus’ mount.

  They slowed as they neared the settlement where they’d been staying. Their horses plodded alongside each other and snorted.

  “One day either you or that dark devil is going to get killed, the way you ride,” Nigellus said.

  Grinning, Areus stroked the stallion’s neck. “I like a rugged mount. Why do you think I love you?”

  Nigel chuckled. “So that’s the only reason.”

  They exchanged teasing glances, yet in spite of his good mood, Nigellus couldn’t help feeling a bit restless.

  “Something has been bothering you,” Areus said.

  “I’d like to return to Rome.”

  “Yes, I’ve sensed that. So has Flaviu
s. We can leave in a day or two.”

  His answer surprised Nigellus. For some reason he always got the feeling Areus didn’t want to visit Rome again.

  “Areus, I’m grateful for all you and Flavius have done for me.”


  Nigellus shook his head, a half smile on his lips. “It’s frightening sometimes, how well you know me.”

  “What is it you want to tell me, Nigellus?”

  “When we get to Rome, I’d like to be on my own.”

  “I see.” Areus spoke casually, yet Nigellus felt him stiffen emotionally.

  As well as Areus knew him, he knew Areus just as intimately. There was no one kinder or more loving, yet he was extremely possessive. Nigellus had dreaded the day he would ask for his freedom.

  “You don’t want us to come with you to Rome?”

  “It’s not that. Just, when we get there, I want to live on my own.”

  “Why not? It’s not as if you need us. You’ve been a successful merchant. Flavius and I have always bred and trained horses. I assume this means you’ve tired of me in your bed.”

  Nigellus’ stomach twisted. This wasn’t going well. “Why do you have to make this difficult? You’re my Creator, but do you expect me to be your creature for the rest of my life?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Areus, look at me.”

  His mentor turned his beautiful black gaze toward Nigellus and he nearly surrendered. Those eyes had always been a source of comfort and lust. He trusted those eyes and he knew no one would ever look at him quite the way Areus did.

  “I owe you my life.”

  Areus shook his head. “No. You don’t owe me anything. I Changed you because I wanted to. I trained you for the same reason. You’re free to do whatever you want, Nigellus.”

  If he was honest with himself, Nigellus would have known then he could never be free of Areus. Not because his mentor wouldn’t let him go, but because Nigellus loved him. The problem was, he still felt wrong about having a man as his lover.

  * * *

  Shortly after arriving in Rome, Nigellus befriended a well-to-do man who frequented his shop. When the man offered his daughter in marriage to Nigellus, he knew this was what he’d prepared for all his life -- to finally rise above his social class and become one of them.

  Areus took the news surprisingly well, at least outwardly. Nigellus never fully understood how he truly felt because Areus flung up barriers that prevented any thought sharing. In spite of all his training and acquired skill, Nigellus was no match for Areus’ mind powers. Try as he might, his Creator’s thoughts remained shielded from him.

  Though Areus and Flavius accepted the wedding invitation, only Flavius attended when the day arrived. Soon after that, Areus and Flavius moved out of the city and back to the villa.

  The rift between him and Areus was deeper than Nigellus had first imagined. Without Areus as his constant companion, he could almost forget he had once loved a man. Almost.

  Though he tried to be a good husband to his mortal wife, he never really loved her. When she passed on, he left Rome for nearly four centuries during which he gained wealth and social status wherever he traveled. He had discreet affairs with many women and even had two more wives. He created an image of himself he’d always dreamed of. Once the lies started, they were difficult to stop. The worst was when he began to ignore the fact that Areus was his Creator. When he met other vampires, particularly ancient, powerful females, he would lie about his origins, usually saying his Creator was a great warrior who had been killed long ago. At least it was a partial truth.

  In spite of his lies, Areus was never far from his thoughts. Messages between the men were few but relatively steady. Only when three consecutive messages went unanswered did Nigellus begin to worry about his mentor and decided to seek him out.

  A short time later, he found his Creator at Flavius’ country villa, which is exactly where he’d been sending his messages.

  An unfamiliar blood drinker met him in the atrium. He was slender, blond, and almost feminine in his beauty. A pang of -- could it be jealousy? -- darted through Nigellus.

  The blond blood drinker offered a pleasant smile. “Hello. My name is Claudius. I’m afraid Areus isn’t receiving visitors at the moment. If you would like me to give him a message --”

  “He’ll see me. Tell him Nigellus is here.”

  Claudius looked at him blankly and an odd feeling darted through Nigellus. It seemed Areus hadn’t mentioned him, either.

  “I’ll tell him you were here, but as I said, he’s not receiving visitors,” Claudius continued firmly.

  “What’s wrong? Is he injured?”

  Claudius’ expression hardened. “You should leave.”

  “Nigellus.” Areus’ smooth voice seemed to caress the word.

  Nigellus and Claudius glanced across the atrium. Areus had just stepped in from what Nigellus knew to be Flavius’ cubiculum. His Creator’s haggard appearance took him aback. Pale, even for one of their kind, he looked as if he hadn’t slept in weeks.

  “Leave us, please, Claudius,” Areus said.

  The slender blood drinker nodded, cast a curious glance in Nigellus’ direction, and walked out to the garden.

  “When you didn’t reply to my messages I got worried.” Nigellus approached, longing to take Areus in his arms but for the first time realizing they had, in many ways, become strangers.

  “Did you?” Areus’ voice dripped sarcasm.

  “Are you injured? I know how you love to fight --”

  “No. I’m fine.” Areus folded his arms tightly across his chest. “So, Nigellus, how have you been? How’s your wife? Estella, isn’t it?”

  “She died fifty years ago.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “She was a good woman, but we weren’t especially close. Where’s Flavius? His scent is rather faint.”

  To his surprise, Areus’ eyes welled with moisture. For a moment he thought the man was going to burst into tears, then he regained control of himself and replied in a hollow voice, “Flavius is dead. Destroyed by one of our kind, nonetheless.”

  Nigellus was stunned. His own throat tightened with grief. Flavius had been a good friend, but most of his sorrow was for Areus who had been his companion for so many centuries.

  “I’m sorry.” Nigellus approached and embraced Areus who stepped away.


  “But --” Nigellus began, then stopped. Instead of trying to force unwanted sympathy, he said, “How did it happen?”

  “He had taken a mortal lover whom a particular group of blood drinkers thought was a hunter. They were wrong, but they attacked first and asked questions later. Flavius tried to protect his lover and they were both slaughtered.”

  “Do you know who this group is?”

  Areus nodded. “They’re called Dark Rhythm. There are too many of them to destroy, but I will have my vengeance on the ones who took Flavius’ life. I will hunt them down as they hunted my master, even if it’s the last thing I ever do.”

  “Then you must let me help you.”

  Areus’ lovely dark eyes glistened. “You would do that?”

  Nodding, Nigellus stepped closer and this time when he embraced Areus, he didn’t pull away.

  “He left Sparta for me, you know,” Areus whispered. “My marriage had been arranged, but I didn’t want a wife so he and I left. He almost always did what I wanted.”

  “He was a good man.”

  Areus’ grip tightened on Nigellus and he pressed his face against his neck. Tenderly, Nigellus stroked his hair. There was nothing he could do to ease the loss of Flavius, but he could at least help Areus avenge his death. He owed them that much.

  When Nigellus made that vow, he didn’t realize the full danger surrounding Dark Rhythm. As he and Areus researched, preparing to make their move against them, Nigellus knew it wouldn’t end with the destruction of the blood drinkers who’d killed Flavius. This vengeance game would continue
for as long as Dark Rhythm and Areus existed.

  One evening Nigellus awoke to find Areus gone. Fear struck him because something deep inside believed his Creator had decided to avenge Flavius on his own. He had just finished saddling his horse and was about to chase after him when Areus returned to the villa, his clothes and sword bloody.

  “By the gods!” Nigellus said. “What happened?”

  “They’re dead.”

  “You were supposed to wait for me to help you!”

  Areus shook his head and pushed away from Nigellus’ hold. He took two steps toward the villa and dropped to his knees. Nigellus was beside him in an instant.

  “These injuries are severe. Silver, aren’t they?”

  “One vampire knows how to kill another. Of course it’s silver,” Areus panted and tried to push Nigellus away. “Leave me alone.”

  “Just be quiet and save your strength. Come on.” Nigellus hoisted him over his shoulder and carried him to his cubiculum.

  “What happened?” Claudius said, approaching Areus’ bed. Panic shone in the man’s blue eyes, and Nigellus knew he had to keep him busy or else he’d lose control. The last thing any of them needed was a display of hysterics.

  “Get me some water and bandages,” Nigellus ordered. Claudius did as he commanded while Nigellus removed Areus’ bloodstained clothes.

  “You should have waited for me,” Nigellus repeated.

  “It was too dangerous. I didn’t want you involved with Dark Rhythm.”

  “That should have been my choice to make.”

  Their conversation ended when Claudius brought the water and bandages. He and Nigellus tended Areus’ wounds, then provided him with some much-needed blood. Even after Claudius retired to bed for the day, Nigellus remained by Areus’ side.

  * * *

  Two nights later, Areus had greatly improved. Nigellus awoke at dusk and found his Creator bathing in the river.

  “Thank you for all you’ve done,” Areus said as he stepped out of the water and accepted the towel Nigellus offered him.