Ancient Blood: Infernal Read online
Page 6
“Hasn’t the Network sent any backup?” Matthew asked.
Mara looked disgusted. “I’ve been doing as much as I can, and Adam’s been asking for help. For goodness sake, he’s the leader! All the worst decisions go to him, and they can’t even find him a single damn vampire to help him? I’m really worried about Adam. Sometimes I don’t see him for days at a time, and if it was just because of his career, I wouldn’t be so worried, but it’s the idea that he could get killed at any time.”
“I’m sorry, Mara.” Dulcie placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Matthew and I can help while we’re here.”
“Of course we will,” Matthew told her. “If we—”
The phone rang, and Mara rushed to the kitchen.
“Why didn’t Adam say something to us?” Matthew asked.
Dulcie shrugged. “He knows how busy you are. He probably didn’t want to trouble you. I mean, he is the Network’s leader. Why don’t they send the backup he’s looking for?”
“Probably because he is the leader. I mean, he destroyed the First Father. They probably figure he can keep some rough hybrids under control. The problem is, he’s got a lot of training to handle at the hospital right now, and he shouldn’t have to juggle both.”
“Matthew?” Mara stepped into the hall. “Adam’s on the phone. He wants to talk to you.”
Matthew stepped into the kitchen and picked up the receiver. “Hello?”
“Matthew. Thank God. I know you just got here, but can you come down to the hospital? We have a little—” Adam’s voice was suddenly replaced by a loud crash and the sound of a hybrid’s dying growl. When Adam returned, he sounded breathless, yet he spoke without missing a beat. “Situation down here.”
“On my way.” Matthew hung up and returned to the hallway, searching through one of his suitcases.
“What’s wrong?” Dulcie demanded.
“Adam needs some backup by the sound of it.”
Mara’s eyes widened with concern. “By the sound of what?”
“Nothing.” Matthew offered her a slight smile as he pulled a small handgun from his bag. Dulcie knew the weapon was loaded with platinum-dipped bullets. Though Matthew tried avoiding violence, after the situation with the First Father, he’d perfected his fighting skills and gotten a license to carry. He kissed Dulcie and headed for the door. “We can handle it. Sorry to run, ladies. Dulcie, don’t wait up for me.”
“Matthew!” Dulcie shouted.
“What the hell did Adam say?” Mara demanded, but the door already clicked shut.
The women sighed and exchanged concerned, irritated expressions.
“So much for our vacation,” Dulcie said.
“I guess that’s what we get for marrying twins.”
“Specifically those twins.”
* * * * *
The hospital where Adam worked was so big that it took Matthew nearly half an hour of wandering before he caught his brother’s scent amidst those of mortals and hybrids. Adam’s scent, like all Immaculates, was strong and unmistakably his. Fresh, powerful, it reminded Matthew of a whitewater tide.
His keen nose told him Adam was on one of the lower levels, possibly even the garage.
Matthew decided to take the stairs.
“Dr. Lindsay!” A small hand touched his arm. Matthew narrowed his eyes at a short, smiling nurse. “Are you all right, Dr. Lindsay?”
Matthew forced a smile, realizing the woman thought he was his brother. “I’m fine. Thanks.”
“Goodness, when did you shave off your beard? I almost didn’t recognize you.”
Matthew touched a hand to his jaw, wondering if he should explain that he and Adam were brothers, then decided not to. It might be better for Adam if Matthew could wander the hospital keeping an eye out for hybrids—at least until the Network sent backup.
“You’re sure you’re okay?” the nurse asked.
“Well, have a nice day.”
Matthew waited until she disappeared in the elevator before slipping into the staircase.
Ten minutes later, he detected the sound of fighting and hurried toward an empty room where the janitors stored nonhazardous trash. Inside, Matthew found Adam fighting another snarling Immaculate.
Aside from a full, dark beard and a slightly heavier build, Adam was identical to Matthew. The blond-haired Immaculate he fought wasn’t quite as tall as the twins, but more thickly built. A jagged scar marked one of his cheeks. Matthew caught not only his scent but also the stench of months’ worth of grime.
Adam and the Immaculate grasped each other’s shoulders and attempted to throw one another to the ground. Their unsheathed fangs gnashed each other. Blood ran from the corner of the blond’s mouth. The sleeve of Adam’s white coat was torn and stained red. The Immaculate managed to flip Adam onto his back, sending his stethoscope and the little flashlight in his pocket sailing across the room. Adam grunted as he landed, but rolled aside before the blond’s foot shattered his face. He kicked his opponent’s legs out from under him and struck him hard in the temple, rendering him unconscious.
“See what I mean?” Adam panted, approaching Matthew.
Matthew noted his brother looked uncharacteristically frazzled. Adam had always been the calm one and Matthew the more hot-tempered twin.
He collected Adam’s missing equipment and handed it back. “So this happens often?”
“Almost every day. Sometimes twice.” Adam glanced around the dim room. “There’s another one down here right now. Took off when I started fighting his partner. I’m losing my goddamn mind, Matthew.”
Adam must have been at the end of his patience to swear. A devout Baptist, Adam rarely used obscenities, particularly those taking the name of the Lord in vain.
“Shouldn’t the Network send you some backup?”
“Yes. I called Marina again. Someone will be coming in this week.”
“No problem. I’ll stay around until then.”
“Sure you’re up to it? I know you don’t fight very often—”
Matthew turned slightly as the blond’s partner dove through the door, a dagger in his hand aimed at the scientist’s back. He soared past Matthew, who kicked him in the buttocks. He ducked the blade as the attacker swung again and grasped the man’s arms, twisting them behind his back. Matthew smashed him face-first into the wall then dropped the unconscious vampire to the floor.
“Glad you’re here.” Adam offered his brother a mock salute. “The protecting bit is all yours until reinforcements arrive.”
“How have you been getting rid of the bodies?”
“Two ambulance drivers are hybrids, part of the Network. They take care of the bodies.”
“But they can’t help you fight?”
Adam shook his head. “They don’t have the power for that. I’ve had a surprising number of Immaculates breaking in. I have to get back upstairs. I’m sick of having to be in fifty places at once. The hospital wants me here, the Network wants me there. Being the friggin’ leader is worse than I thought it would be.”
Matthew resisted the urge to laugh. Swearing sounded so ridiculous coming from Adam, but he realized his brother was in no mood for good humor.
“When’s the last time you had blood?” Matthew asked. “You look hungry.”
Adam pressed his palms into his eyes. “Too long.”
“You could take some from these guys.” Matthew nodded to the unconscious bodies.
Adam curled his lip. “Do you still have your sense of smell? I don’t think they’ve bathed in centuries. I can’t bite that.”
“Here.” Matthew rolled up his sleeve and offered Adam his forearm. His twin looked hesitant. “I promise you, Adam, I shower daily.”
Adam’s lips flickered in a slight smile before he made a shallow bite in Matthew’s arm and drank. When he finished, he drew a long breath and closed his eyes. “Thank you. When I’m hungry, this place kills me with all the blood around, especially in surgery.”
nbsp; Matthew nodded, remembering that feeling all too well, except he had had no one to confide in regarding his unique problems. He was fiercely glad he could support Adam.
“How’s Dulcie?”
“Probably pissed at me.”
“Mara isn’t exactly thrilled with me these days, either, but most of the time she’s very understanding. The Network keeps her busy.”
“If she’s anything like Dulcie, she’ll appreciate her free time. Dulcie and Charlie have an exhibition coming up soon.”
“That’s wonderful. If—” Adam glanced down at his beeper, which had suddenly gone off. He curled his lip. “I’m glad I’m pursuing pathology. At least my patients won’t need attention at all kinds of crazy hours.”
“Yes, but you’ve chosen that field to filter out vampiric crime. Are you looking forward to fighting creatures like the First Father over and over again?”
Adam offered a little laugh. “Thanks for reminding me. Just about anything is better than what we went through with him. I have to go.” Adam embraced his brother tightly. “I’m glad you’re here.”
Matthew glanced after Adam as he hurried to the elevators.
Chapter Six
With Mara’s help, Dulcie unpacked her and Matthew’s belongings in the guest room where they’d be staying. The women spoke of trivial matters, each with her mind on what might be happening at the hospital.
“Do you want to go down there?” Dulcie asked.
Mara looked hesitant. “I really don’t want to bother Adam at work, but what if he’s dead or—”
“Come on. You don’t have to talk to him. We’ll just make sure they aren’t staked through the heart or something.”
Mara needed no further goading as the women tore out of the house.
* * * * *
Matthew walked the perimeter of the hospital’s lowest-level parking lot. Except for occasional visitors retrieving their vehicles, it appeared deserted. Nothing seemed amiss, yet Matthew had this feeling.
The scent of hybrids mingled with the scent of mortals, but he couldn’t discern criminals by smell alone.
Suddenly, he caught her scent, felt her.
He snarled, his eyes wide, as an unconscious hybrid landed at his feet.
Dulcie, dressed in loose jeans and black work boots, her curves shown to advantage in her black tank top, strode through the door leading inside the hospital. She stepped on top of the unconscious vampire and hugged Matthew around the neck. “Hello.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Mara and I got worried.” She tossed her hair over her shoulders. “Silly us.”
“Where is she?”
“Talking with Adam. He’s very grateful you’re here.”
“I told him I’d help. I know it’s our vacation. Are you very mad at me?”
“No.” Dulcie kissed his cheek, then rubbed away the red lipstick mark with her thumb. “I know you can’t leave him with all this trouble. Would you like some help?”
“Absolutely not. I don’t want you in danger.”
“Oh, puleez.” Dulcie placed her hands on her hips, hopped off the hybrid’s back, and nudged the body with the toe of her boot. “I did this sucker in, and at least if I stay, you won’t be lonely.”
Matthew smiled and drew her into his arms. “If it gets too bad, I want you to go, or else I won’t be able to fight well. I’ll be too worried about you.”
“Why you arrogant male—” He kissed her to silence, and when their lips finally parted, she resisted the urge to utter a demure “whatever you want, dear”.
“Promise?” he whispered against her lips.
“Oh…all right.”
For the remainder of the day, Matthew and Dulcie prowled the hospital and combed the surrounding streets. Fortunately, there were no further attacks. Around midnight, they arrived at the house.
Mara had left a note that she’d gone hunting and Adam was working a twenty-four-hour shift, so he wouldn’t be home until the following afternoon.
“So, I guess that leaves you and me.” Dulcie removed the baseball cap confining her thick, dark hair. She shook the silky tresses down her back and gasped as Matthew dragged her into his arms and carried her up the stairs to the guest bathroom.
“I wonder what you have in mind to occupy our time?” Dulcie smiled, unfastening the top buttons of his shirt.
He kissed her hard, placing her on the countertop beside the sink. His hands caressed her thighs, and he whispered against her lips, “I’m sure I’ll think of something.”
She purred as he slashed the tank top from her body with a single swipe of his claws. Her breasts bounced and her nipples tightened. He licked each before turning on the shower faucet. “First, we need a shower.”
“And a good screw.”
He glanced over his shoulder, his fangs lengthening and eyes glowing. “That too.”
She unzipped her jeans and kicked them off. Leaping lightly to her bare feet, she hooked her fingers in his belt loops and tugged him close as she used her claws to rip off his shirt. He growled with desire and finished undressing quickly.
Naked, they stepped into the shower, hands groping, teeth nipping playfully. Matthew grasped her wrists and pinned her against the cool, slick tile before he sank his incisors deep into her shoulder. Nudging her thighs apart, he thrust into her, his bent knees flexing as he pumped. Using one of his hands to continue holding her arms above her head, he reached between them with his free hand and rubbed her clit in tender, circular motions. Dulcie moaned, her eyes slipping shut. She struggled against his grasp, longing to touch him as intimately as he touched her. Finally, he released her wrists. She clutched his shoulders, her sharp claws sinking into his flesh. Sheathing the claws on one hand, she reached down and grasped his balls, kneading and squeezing.
He growled in her ear. “That feels good. Harder.”
She accommodated him, her grip tightening as she rolled his sac.
Growling and howling, he nipped her throat as she clutched his balls, finally releasing them as his thrusts quickened. She clung to him, her thighs trembling as she came, imprisoned between his big, hot body and the water-slicked tile.
* * * * *
Over the next several days, Matthew took over for Adam in keeping control of vampire undesirables. The attacks lessened somewhat, and on Adam’s day off, the couples finally spent some time together.
For the first time he could remember, Matthew indulged his vampiric nature and slept for nearly an entire day. He awoke once around nine in the morning, glanced at the clock and leapt up, his heart pounding. Then he relaxed. He was on vacation and not late for work, as he’d initially thought.
Dulcie squinted drowsily at him. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s late.”
She narrowed her eyes at the alarm clock. “You’ve got to be kidding. Didn’t Adam say last night his backup is arriving on schedule today and both of you are going to spend the day with me and Mara?”
Matthew ran his hand through his hair. “That’s right.”
“So come back to bed.” Dulcie grasped his wrist and pulled him down beside her, curling up against his chest.
Matthew slipped his arm around her, enjoying the warmth of her body and the idea that he could stay with her, just as they were, for as long as he wanted.
When he next awoke, it was late afternoon. The scent of dinner cooking rose from downstairs and mingled with Dulcie’s perfume. Matthew guessed she’d already joined Mara and Adam in the kitchen, so he stretched and walked to the bathroom, the extra sleep and late hour making him feel completely vampiric. His senses were sharp, his body powerful. Later, he’d need a long run and a few hours of lovemaking with Dulcie. He smiled at the thought as he showered and dressed.
Downstairs, he found the women in the kitchen huddled around Mara’s laptop, discussing her duties for the Network.
“Good evening.” Dulcie approached him, brushing her
nose playfully against his and nipping his bottom lip. “Are you hungry?”
“Me too.” Adam stepped through the door looking far calmer than before. “Thank God Marina sent someone.”
“Who is it?”
Adam shrugged. “I don’t know, and at this point I don’t care. I have a night when I don’t have to be anywhere. Praise the Lord.”
Mara shook her head at Adam and said to Dulcie, “Why did you get to end up with the atheist?”
“By the way, thank you all for covering for me.” Adam tugged Mara into his arms. “And I’m sorry I haven’t been in the best mood lately.”
Mara hugged him. “You’ve had a lot on your mind. Let’s eat.”
The four sat at the table and dug into a turkey dinner with all the trimmings.
“You should visit us more often,” Adam told his brother and sister-in-law. “She never cooks like this.”
Mara pointed a finger at him. “You know I’ve been busy with the Network, and besides, you’re never home to eat.”
“A couple more months, and I’m done with residency. Praise the—”
“Will you quit it?” Matthew said to his brother. “I feel like I’m sitting with a televangelist.”
“So what’s going on in Boston?” Mara asked. “None of us have had much time to talk.”
“Charlie and I have a new art exhibition coming up,” Dulcie said. When Matthew remained silent, she added, “I thought you wanted to talk to Adam about Jay’s offer?”
“What offer?” Adam asked. “Who’s Jay?”
Matthew, grateful for another opinion, spent the next several moments detailing his meeting with Jay and describing his possible career change.
When he’d finished, Adam said, “What a terrific opportunity. Too bad this Jay sounds like such a jerk. Do you think you’ll be able to work with him?”