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Voice In The Storm

  Why would anyone want to visit Limbo?

  That question had followed the curled lips and scathing expressions of everyone who learned of Billie's destination.

  Limbo was an abandoned planet, once prized for its marvelous natural resources. No sooner had settlements been erected and work started when people realized their new home was indeed too good to be true. The planet was what old timers called haunted. Crops were mysteriously stolen and mining shafts ruined. Within each and every house, strange and inexplicable occurrences were reported. Everyday items were lost. Doors opened and closed on their own. And there were the voices. All over Limbo the winds seemed to carry whispering voices.

  Billie understood why everyone thought her insane for planning a vacation there, but to her, it was hope. Only one man had ever pierced the barrier around her heart. Life as a space privateer was profitable and adventurous, but didn't offer many opportunities for true love-at least not to a woman with no intention of settling down.

  Then she met Viktor.

  His planet was engaged in a war with the only other inhabited world in his galaxy. The planets were at an impasse, yet in spite of suffering on both sides, neither was willing to give up.

  Like many citizens tired of bloodshed, Viktor was involved in an underground supply ring that aided the sick and injured on both sides. With their fastest ship destroyed in battle, the suppliers set out to find privateers and mercenaries, people like Billie with no loyalty to any one place, to assist them. Viktor found her through a connection at one of the seedier space stations she used for R&R. Upon hearing the price he offered for her services, she'd nearly laughed in his face. Nearly. Something in his piercing green eyes turned her on. His selflessness, maybe even his stupid innocence for believing in his hopeless cause, also got to her.

  She agreed to make a run with him. The attraction between them must have been mutual, because by the end of the first flight they'd engaged in some rough and heated sex in the cockpit.

  One run became two, then three. On the sixth they were hit. To this day she wasn't sure which planet owned the attacking ship. Viktor hadn't survived long enough to tell her. He'd been tying down some loosened cargo when the first blast struck. His death was instant, but since losing him, her spirit had been dying slowly, a little more each day.

  Her ship had made a narrow escape and she crash landed on the same station where Viktor had found her.

  That was six months ago. Though her ship was repaired, she hadn't the desire to fly much or take any jobs. All she thought about was Viktor and what might have been. When she heard the stories about Limbo, she knew it was the one place she had to go.

  Now here she stood in the middle of a lush green field with hills in the distance and a river running behind the abandoned cottage she'd moved into.

  Inhaling deeply, she closed her eyes. The air smelled cleaner than any she'd ever known. Wind caressed her hair and skin like tender fingertips, yet she heard no voices.

  "Stupid," she muttered, walking toward the river. "Only an idiot would believe those stories, anyway. The truth is, the mines were abandoned after they were stripped of everything worth anything and the farmland wasn't as great as everybody thought it would be."

  Upon reaching the water's edge, Billie undressed and waded, naked, into the lake. The water was chilly at first, but it felt fresh and clean against her skin. She swam until the sun set, then stepped out. Shivering in the dimness, she reached for her clothes.


  She spun, her heart slamming against her ribs and her nipples taut.

  "The wind. It's only the wind." Not bothering to dress, she hurried toward the house.

  Suddenly a storm swirled around her, blinding her on all sides. Strangely, the immediate area surrounding her was calm and warm. Only outside the circle was the world a black, swirling mass, like the walls of a tornado.

  Billie, I want you.

  An arm slipped around her waist. The touch was gentle, warm, and so achingly familiar. Viktor's lips pressed against the side of her neck as he kissed his way to her earlobe. His other hand cupped one of her breasts, gently rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Then the pad of his thumb circled and caressed the aching tip.

  Billie panted from fear and desire. Everything she'd heard-and hoped-about Limbo was true! Or was it? Could this really be happening, and if so was she in any danger?

  "There is no danger, Billie. Not here. And not with me anymore."

  "Viktor, I can't see you."

  "I'm sorry about that." His presence was directly in front of her, his breath warm and sweet against her face. His rock-hard chest dusted with hair pressed against her breasts. "But I can see you. You're as beautiful as I remember and as wild, but you've been sad, Billie."

  "I miss you."

  "I miss you, too, but I'm with you. Always. Close your eyes."

  Billie's eyes slipped shut and she reached for him, knowing just where to touch him. She didn't need to see him for that. Her fingertips danced over his taut abs and stroked upward until her palms flattened against his chest. Gripping the solid muscle, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

  Viktor's mouth covered hers. His tongue, warm and wet, slipped between her lips. Hers darted out to meet it, stroking and caressing. Cupping the back of her head with his hand, he sucked on her tongue. The sensation was so fantastic that Billie's legs weakened. Her pussy ached for him.

  Suddenly his big, hard body nudged her toward the edge of the stormy circle. Billie's pulse leapt. Would she be thrust into the tornado and torn apart? The cloud formed to her body, a soft yet firm cushion. It pulsated like the walls of her pussy, like the steely, velvet-skinned cock pressing against her belly.

  Viktor lifted her slightly and she stood on the stormy cushion.

  "Oh! Viktor, yes!" she gasped, clinging to him and leaning into the storm as he bent his knees and thrust his thick, hard cock inside her. How perfect he felt! It was just like she remembered! As he thrust, rubbing her exactly where she wanted to be rubbed, she locked her legs around his waist. His large hands, so long fingered and sensitive, clasped her buttocks, kneading and caressing.

  "Billie, I've missed you so much! No one ever made me feel like you do!" he panted against her ear. "I should have stopped running supplies with you long ago instead of putting you in danger, but I didn't want to stop seeing you!"

  "Putting me in danger? You're the one who-oh!" she shrieked as she neared her climax. He lapped her earlobe and neck and doubled the speed of his thrusts. Billie shouldn't have worried about the storm tearing her apart. Viktor was doing a fantastic job of that. Never in her life had she felt anything so intense as this hard, magnificent man filling her while the storm cloud pulsed around their straining bodies.

  "Yes, Billie, yes! I love to hear you cry for me! This is unbelievable! Your pussy is so hot and slick. It's squeezing me so tight! Billie!"

  His words and motions sent her over the edge. Billie clutched him with all her strength, her body shattering as she rode wave after wave of intense pleasure. Through the storm, she heard his shout of fulfillment, felt the bunching of his muscles and the straining of his body as he burst inside her.

  Resting in his arms, her cheek nestled against his shoulder, Billie allowed him to support her completely.

  "We can't stay together, can we?" she asked. Sadness as acute as the pleasure she'd just experienced almost overwhelmed her.

  He stroked her hair. "Part of us will always be together."

  "That's not what I meant." She sighed. "I still have a job to do, Viktor. Your worlds are still at war."

  "Don't do this because of me. I don't want you to endanger yourself anymore."

  "I was a privateer, remember?" She smiled wryly. "My life w
as always in danger, only now it will be for a cause I'm proud of. I thought if I came here and found you I wouldn't want to leave."

  "But you do?"

  "I still have things to do, Viktor. Your people need my help. I'll always love you."

  "I'll wait for you."

  "Viktor, if I return to Limbo, will you be here?"


  "Then I'll be back."

  Billie closed her eyes, drifting to sleep as the storm subsided. Rather than the inconsolable sadness she'd felt over the past months, excitement filled her. Excitement and the memories of a love deeper than a lonely privateer darting through an unpredictable universe had ever hoped to find.



  Kate Hill, Voice In The Storm

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